What are PECL and LVPECL?
來源:http://www.robbia.com.cn 作者:泰河電子晶振 2019年04月03
What are PECL and LVPECL?
• PECL stands for “Positive Emitter Coupled Logic”.PECL are differential logic outputs commonly used in high-speed clock distribution circuits. PECL requires a +5 V supply .
•PECL代表“正發射極耦合邏輯”.PECL是常用于高速時鐘分配電路的差分邏輯輸出。 PECL需要+5 V電源。
• Low Voltage PECL (LVPECL) denotes PECL circuits designed for use with 3.3V or 2.5V supply,the same supply voltage as for low voltage CMOS devices.
• Taitien offers LVPECL output crystal oscillators in both 3.3V and 2.5V supplies
Pros/Cons of PECL Output
• Advantages :
• 好處 :
– Very good jitter performance due to large voltage swing
- 由于大電壓擺動,具有非常好的抖動性能
– Ideal use in high-speed circuits
- 理想用于高速電路
– Capable of driving long transmission lines
- 能夠驅動長傳輸線
• Drawbacks:
• 缺點:
– Larger power consumption due to differential output and external DC biasing compared to single-ended output
- 與單端輸出相比,差分輸出和外部直流偏置會產生更大的功耗
– Incompatible with 1.8V supply
- 與1.8V電源不兼容
Recommended PECL Termination Circuit
Each output is terminated with a 50 ? resistor to a termination voltage of (Vdd – 2V).
每個輸出端接50Ω電阻,端接電壓為(Vdd - 2V)。
What is LVDS Output?
• LVDS stands for Low Voltage Differential Signaling,centered around operating voltage of 1.2V,regardless of power supply.
• LVDS technology is defined by the ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 industry standard.
•LVDS技術由ANSI / TIA / EIA-644行業標準定義。
• Taitien has many crystal oscillator product lines with LVDS output options at 3.3V and 2.5V supplies.
Pros/Cons of LVDS Output
• Advantages:
• 好處:
– Lower power consumption compared to PECL outputs due to smaller voltage swings (typically ~350mV)
- 由于較小的電壓擺幅(通常約為350mV),與PECL輸出相比功耗更低
– Less susceptible to noise
- 不易受噪音影響
– Lower EMI emissions compared to CMOS/TTL
- 與CMOS / TTL相比,EMI輻射更低
• Drawbacks:
• 缺點:
– Reduced jitter performance compared to PECL
- 與PECL相比,抖動性能降低
Where is LVDS used?
The LVDS standard was created to address applications in the data communications, telecommunications,server, peripheral and computer markets where high-speed data transfer is necessary.
Recommended LVDS Termination Circuit
A single 100 ? termination resistor is needed. Some receiver ICs may include the resistor internally.
Signal Level Comparison

• PECL stands for “Positive Emitter Coupled Logic”.PECL are differential logic outputs commonly used in high-speed clock distribution circuits. PECL requires a +5 V supply .
•PECL代表“正發射極耦合邏輯”.PECL是常用于高速時鐘分配電路的差分邏輯輸出。 PECL需要+5 V電源。
• Low Voltage PECL (LVPECL) denotes PECL circuits designed for use with 3.3V or 2.5V supply,the same supply voltage as for low voltage CMOS devices.
• Taitien offers LVPECL output crystal oscillators in both 3.3V and 2.5V supplies
Pros/Cons of PECL Output
• Advantages :
• 好處 :
– Very good jitter performance due to large voltage swing
- 由于大電壓擺動,具有非常好的抖動性能
– Ideal use in high-speed circuits
- 理想用于高速電路
– Capable of driving long transmission lines
- 能夠驅動長傳輸線
• Drawbacks:
• 缺點:
– Larger power consumption due to differential output and external DC biasing compared to single-ended output
- 與單端輸出相比,差分輸出和外部直流偏置會產生更大的功耗
– Incompatible with 1.8V supply
- 與1.8V電源不兼容
Recommended PECL Termination Circuit

Each output is terminated with a 50 ? resistor to a termination voltage of (Vdd – 2V).
每個輸出端接50Ω電阻,端接電壓為(Vdd - 2V)。
What is LVDS Output?
• LVDS stands for Low Voltage Differential Signaling,centered around operating voltage of 1.2V,regardless of power supply.
• LVDS technology is defined by the ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 industry standard.
•LVDS技術由ANSI / TIA / EIA-644行業標準定義。
• Taitien has many crystal oscillator product lines with LVDS output options at 3.3V and 2.5V supplies.
Pros/Cons of LVDS Output
• Advantages:
• 好處:
– Lower power consumption compared to PECL outputs due to smaller voltage swings (typically ~350mV)
- 由于較小的電壓擺幅(通常約為350mV),與PECL輸出相比功耗更低
– Less susceptible to noise
- 不易受噪音影響
– Lower EMI emissions compared to CMOS/TTL
- 與CMOS / TTL相比,EMI輻射更低
• Drawbacks:
• 缺點:
– Reduced jitter performance compared to PECL
- 與PECL相比,抖動性能降低
Where is LVDS used?
The LVDS standard was created to address applications in the data communications, telecommunications,server, peripheral and computer markets where high-speed data transfer is necessary.
Recommended LVDS Termination Circuit

A single 100 ? termination resistor is needed. Some receiver ICs may include the resistor internally.
Signal Level Comparison

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